so long since i last posted anything!!
oh well, in any case, i'm back again. =D
so i've been busy these few days. as usual.
i'm now at my cousin's place again.
been moving back and forth between my grandma's and cousin's place. kinda tiring, but still, quite alright.
so uncle hans and auntie brenda's arrived from germany a couple days ago. which is really cool. been out with them for 2 days in a row already.
1st to stanley to get a qipao done for auntie brenda. she wants to wear one at her son's, my cousin francis's, wedding. which is half a year away. we picked out a really good piece of her, white with birds and flowers of various colours. it's extremely pretty. now all she needs are shoes to go with her new qipao.
then today we went out with uncle hans to sieve the soil and add fertiliser to our little piece of land at the farm thingy. it's lucky we had a strong guy who knows enough about planting things and stuff to help us out, so we managed to get the job done pretty quick. hee~
so my sister and i were alone at home this morning, and we got started on our xmas performance, which is basically like a d&s. i dug out the pvs for kireida, yakusoku no kakera, kawariyuku sora, super lover, love is message, feel the fate and others, all by w-inds. in just one short morning i managed to get both of us to memorise almost all their dance moves. we're gonna like incorporate them into our dance. yupp. XD
oh btw, i went shopping the other day, and i ended up lugging back loads of basically not-that-useful but still cute stuff. haha. i got a small owl plushie, which i named blow-chan, after ryuichi's pet owl. he's really kawaii~~!
then i got a weird mechanical pencil that i've never seen anywhere else. hard to explain how it works or describe how it looks like. but it's weird, in a cute way. lols.
then there's one of those invisible ink pens with a revealing light on the cap. it's got this nice design on the barrel, blue stars and swirls and stuff on a white background.
and a small notebook slash diary thing. i was actually looking for a nice 2007 schedule book, but i ended up finding that instead. i always get sidetracked; it's a failing of mine. lols. well the cover might not look really appealing, but the inside is fabulous. every single page has got these different illustrations that look exactly like they've been hand-drawn with soft colour pencils. it's sooo grool.
gah~~! i gotta go sleep now, and my right arm hurts like shit. probs cos of the intense shovelling and stuff we did today. *groans* i seriously hope this doesn't last. ugh.
ok before i forget and plop off to lalaland, here's the clip for "japanese learning english"____
well hope you all liked it. =D
gotta go, toodles and ciao!
oh i'm back again...
just came back home a while ago...
went out for
yoga, then late lunch, and a spot of shopping.
damn tired now~~~ -_- zzZ
yoga was so
cool today!
it's like still beginners' so the moves were comparatively easy
but still
really relaxing and stuff
my muscles totally stopped tensing, which is absolutely
just ask anyone who's massaged my shoulders before; they're like living testimony of how tight my muscles are.
so yeah, its pretty damn cool how just one lesson of yoga, one short hour, could achieve what so much massaging could not.
4e is like gonna fetch grandma back again.
said since she's kinda recovered from her bout of illness, she might as well spend more time with her mother.
makes sense, i suppose.
but then i won't get to use the comp so much, cos probs i'd have to look out for her while she's here.
oh btw, i think i'll be going over to my other grandmother's (dad's side) place.
like monday.
no comp there.
i'll have to go up to my cousin's place to go online, which fortunately is pretty close-by.
*sighs again*
can't be helped i guess
no one's fault but mine that i'm so
no, really, everyone seems to want me and my sis to stay at their place.
it's like our maternal grandmother and grandfather want us to go over, it's just that we don't want to bother them since both need constant attention.
it'll be so tough on their maid if she's gotta take care of us too.
then our paternal grandmother wants us with her.
understandable, cos she's probably really
bored and lonely since granddad passed away.
now that dad's back from vancouver, he's staying at her place.
but i guess she enjoys having kids around more.
and 4e is asking us not to leave so fast.
like stay a while longer.
or come back from grandma's after about a week.
oh well, guess i'll just take things as they come.
heck, i can't be bothered now.
gotta go to bathe.
before it gets really cold
like that time when i came out of the tub dripping wet
and immediately this big gust of wind blew against me from nowhere.
god! that was
cruel cold, that was.
i could sneeze just thinking about it.
but before i go, i wanna put up some w-inds. pics.
here you go_____
here's my all time crush, Ryohei Chiba!
he's just too cute for words. lol
another one of sweet.
ok here's Ryuichi Ogata. my sis likes him. i think he's pretty cute too, in a silly clownish sorta way. but apparently not many people think that way.sad.
another one of ryu. quite an old pic, but still good.
now this is Keita Tachibana, w-inds.' lead singer. most people like him best. not me though. ryohei's the one that works for me. hee~
a really nice keita one. his profile looks really good. =D
w-inds. are ryohei, keita and ryuichi.
w-inds. look so hot in suits!
alright alright, that's all for now.
be back soon~
annyong ikaseyo, all you crazy fellas.