hello people~~
i'm just back briefly to show you all the cutest thing!!
check it out
ain't he ah-dorable???
you can play with him and everything!
go on, wiggle your cursor somewhere and berru'll follow until he reaches the edge of his box.
click on him and he jumps up and squinches his eyes..
click again and again and he'll jump higher and higher, then curl into a ball and bounce when he touches back down~~
go to the "more" tag, then drag the strawberry to feed berru. he's really cute when he starts eating!
i just wanna go into the computer and squeeze him or something.
oh well yeah, that's basically all i wanted to put on. hee~
ta then!
whoa...i can't believe how long it's been since i posted anything!!!!!!so ok, i'm back in this dreary, pathetic, poseur, sorry excuse for a speck of an island. now i'm not dropping any names, but unless you have no brain whatoever, you'll know which place i mean.nothing much happened since i've come back. not unless you count bean coming over and disturbing my unpacking the day i got back, and me going out with her to cineleisure kbox on monday.of these two developments, i've got only one thing to report:kbox officially sucks. small dingy rooms (good luck to anyone who suffers from claustrophobia), stingy portions of refreshments (all i can say is, "how typical of them. well, people here aren't exactly well known for their generousity."), and the thing that got me most riled up: the suckiest collection of songs i've ever seen. -_-"b i'm serious. its like the choice of songs is sooo limited! to be fair, i understand if they have more asian songs than others, but the extent of how little western songs are available can just about make me spit. isn't this country supposed to be international, and doesn't that mean that there should be a more universal take on stuff like these?then since me and bean are j-pop and k-pop fanatics (well to be honest, me much more than her lols.), we naturally went hunting for japanese and korean songs to sing. so we searched....and searched...and searched some more. needless to say, to no avail. the fact that we couldn't find a single song by rain or se7en or w-inds. or similar artists is enough to make me blow a blood vessel. i mean, isn't rain supposed to be the 'king of korean pop', and was recently even appointed some ambassador for s korea?? isn't se7en hailed as the 'prince of pop', and the only competitor for the title of 'king' good enough to make rain sit up and take notice?? and isn't w-inds. the most popular new gen. boyband in japan, known as the successor of Da Pump, and hot enough to even make themselves a household name in korea???if so, then why aren't their songs in kbox????????!!!!!!!and don't even get me started on the quality of the stuff they let us use.or the horrible system of song searching that should really be banned.or the absolutely lousy walls that aren't soundproof!!!!!!jeez.are they gonna pay me back my medical fees for ear damage and severe trauma or what?if there's one thing i've learned from my stay in this country all these years, it's to never expect anything much from people or objects or places. you'd just get disappointed and riled up. and believe me, i did remember to take this little bit of reminder with me when i went out, but it's just that the experience was nowhere near what i thought it would be. which for your info, was already pretty terrible, thanks to my vivid imagination.i probably will be so shaken up over this trip to kbox that i'll never go within a mile radius of a karaoke lounge again. well, not in this country anyway. XDoh yes, i haven't even gotten to why i haven't been online for so long yet!its basically bacause my mom recently joined this promotion from starhub, which gives you broadband, a new phone line, plus a lappie.broadband and phone line have already been done before i even came back from hk.then only a couple days ago, my mom and i went over to the industrial parts to go to this warehouse place to collect the lappie.so we went back home, and me being overexcited, decided to start getting it working immediately.the charging, registering, setting up and all that shit went along fine.ok, here i gotta go back a little.one of the big reasons why my mom joined this plan is becos we can use two computers at the same time. so she bought a ralta thingy, so the lappie can surf the net with our network wirelessly.when i tried to set up the wireless connection, miracle of all miracles, it didn't work.then i tried everything in my book, checking the ssid, lan, lac, modem, ralta, everything.man, was i running out of tricks. so my mom decided to help.called starhub.followed the in-desk person's instructions and unplugged this and that, crawled among the wires to connect them differently, switched off the ralta and modem then back on again after 3 minutes (for what god forsaken reason, i don't know), all kinds of bullshit.then the person said, "oh i don't think its a problem with the starhub connection. it should be the ralta. why don't you contact your dealer and ask them how to fix it?"but then it was already midnight.so we decided to sleep on it first.so ok. next morning, off she went to contact linksys.again, playing with wires and switches and plugs, and correcting the ssid, the whatever crap key, the mac thing, the wlan connection.then the person said, "oh i don't think its a problem with the ralta. it should be the starhub connection. why don't you contact them and ask them how to fix it?"happened again when she called starhub back.like a damn ball, we were being bounced backed and forth among these companies. not very pleasant. not pleasant at all. didn't their mommies and daddies teach them how to play nicely?so anywaythen my mom called starhub again [she was starting to loose her temper then].started complaining after the guy asked her to do everything all over again.[hey, she's good at it. you should see her working it up and really letting it fly. i think i've inherited much of my meaness from her. lols.]asked for starhub to send over some technical assistance.the guy said that they don't provide such service.asked for the manager's contact so she can lodge a complaint and get the case taken seriously.the guy said that he didn't know it. [brave fellow.]then he even suggested that we send an email to the public relations department.why the heck didn't this smart guy get an award or his own show or something?
he's a right
the only reason we looked for assistance is because we
couldn't access the internet, dammit!
how the
bloody hell are you supposed to send emails
without internet connection??!!
that was it, mom got boiling mad and just flung down the phone and asked me to call starhub and get the problem fixed instead.so yeah, i did.didn't wanna end up with a kitchen knife embedded in my forehead haha.called starhub customer service.followed the electronic voice's instructions.after a long while of "for......,press 1.....", i got informed that i would be transferred to a technical officer who would help me with my problem.so i waited....and waited....my arm got tired...and waited....my ear was starting to get red....and waited....the phone was getting hotter and hotter....and waited....then suddenly"BEEP!"i got cut off.geez louise, thanks for that!and not only for once either.i tried 4 times, and four times it happened.me?i was about ready to murder.and just like that, another day passed.next day (which is today), my mom took up the phone again.i stayed out of arm's reach, in the living room.the person who picked up (yes, now it got thru!) was the gal who took my mom's call the day before. [bad luck, girl]after a couple hours of fiddling with stuff again, and my mom blowing her top again, and the people apologising profusely again for their stupidity and inability to fix anything, the gal suddenly spouted something about how "using cordless phones while doing that kind of things has a high chance of causing interferance." only she didn't even say it that professionally lols.for the love of all that's good!couldn't she have recalled it earlier??!it would have saved all of us a lot of precious time, not to mention energy, money, and saliva.she wouldn't have been told off either.really. bad luck, girl.so yupp.that's my sad story.hope no one's gonna begrudge me for not updating for so long.and you, who's been bugging me about "leaving my blog to rot" and shit, you know who you are.kiss my ass.wakakaka~~ok i've gotta split.my sister suddenly gotten hit by the desire to go to spotlight and buy those special fabric paints or whatever.so.no time to update the left column.mayb i'll do it when i get back.in any case, splitting now!tc, dearies!ciaothepsycho.